The To&Through Project strives to create equitable education outcomes for Chicago Public Schools students by helping educators use data for inquiry and impact.
Our Mission
Our Values
Practice Anti-Racism and Equity: We recognize the legacy of racism and work to interrogate our individual and collective biases. We accept the discomfort of conflict and find the courage to interrupt inequitable mindsets, policies, and practices.
Respect All Forms of Expertise: We believe that students, families, and communities are experts in their own experience, and we respect educators as professionals. We share data and tools, not answers.
Have Integrity: We prioritize students over institutions and take responsibility for the impact and consequences of our data.
Be Creative and Curious: We are learners who prioritize the collection and incorporation of feedback.
Care for Each Other: We value each other as individuals and human beings, and we laugh, when we can.
To&Through Equity Stance
For several years, we at the To&Through Project have worked to develop personal and organizational equity stances that seek to make explicit the values, assumptions, and commitments we bring to the work of the To&Through Project. This process has illuminated many of the limitations, biases, and harm inherent in ourselves, our work, and our organization, while at the same time regrounding us in a commitment to creating more equitable education outcomes in Chicago by using data for inquiry and action. We are excited to share our To&Through Equity Stance with you, and commit to continuously reflecting on the ways we are or are not living into our stance in our daily work.
Read Our Stance Here!
Our Team
Jennifer Ciok
Shelby Mahaffie
Jenny Nagaoka
Lauren Tsai
Alexandra Usher
Naomi Wilfred
Our Supporters
The To&Through Project is made possible by the collaboration of many school leaders and community partners throughout Chicago as well as the generous financial support of organizations and individuals. We would like to thank all who have been and continue to be part of our work, and recognize all of our supporters who have contributed to The To&Through Project as well as the members of the To&Through Project’s Advisory Group for their guidance and support.