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A collection of CPS students' reflections on their educational journeys, the supports that worked for them, and their hopes for the education system.

The data we report represent individual students, who every day face—and overcome—systemic barriers. The To&Through Project seeks to share Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students and graduates' stories to elevate them as experts of their own lived experiences. The qualitative data resource found below are intended to help user better understand the experiences of CPS students navigating our current educational system and to provide opportunities reflect on how their experiences can improve supports for future CPS students. 

Check out our facilitation and lesson plans you can use to share these stories with both students & practitioners!

Interested in learning more about the heart of Student Stories? Read our Theoretical Frame - Student Stories

Looking for more? Read about the report that inspired our first student stories series, and see how its findings can help education practitioners understand what led Chicago Public Schools (CPS) graduates’ college enrollment rates to increase while college completion rates remained flat. Read more about what CPS students value in school and beyond from this article which shares what middle grades teachers were able to gather from their students’ post-pandemic schoolwork.