The application of research and data is essential to postsecondary work. In this Component, you will find tools to further your understanding of key research and data so you can implement effective postsecondary plans and practices.
Understanding Research & Applying Data
Tool Sets: Understanding Research & Applying Data

Understanding the Conditions for Postsecondary Success
Quality research can support educator practice and drive school improvement. Tool Set A explores the research coming out of the UChicago Consortium on School Research so educators can better understand the school conditions that foster or hinder student postsecondary success.

Integrating a Developmental Approach to College Access
College access initiatives should focus on adolescent development so that students develop a sense of active agency as they explore postsecondary options.

Developing Systems to Monitor College Applications
Data should be used continually for improvement, not just for summative evaluation after the fact. The tools in Tool Set C describe practical techniques for using real-time operational data in order to shape strategy and guide practice.

Suggested Learnings
The bibliography in Tool Set D contains a wealth of resources for additional reading and learning that can be used individually or in a professional learning community focused on postsecondary success.