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Communities in Chicago are working to solve the challenges they face. Are we giving them the right tools to do it?

Chicago has a rich ecosystem of community-based organizations striving to raise educational attainment rates for students from their community areas. The expansion of high school choices outside of students’ communities over the past two decades has complicated their work.

To&Through Project Winter 2022 Newsletter

Learn about the recently announced second cohort of the To&Through Middle Grades Network as well as new student activity resources for middle grades educators. We also overview our new research finding summaries, which provide learnings — and questions — from our reports via bite-sized reads, and we overview our annually published Data Insights and the To&Through Milestones Tool's recent data update.

The Downstream Impacts of School Choice on Chicago’s Black Communities

Over the past two decades, students from Chicago’s Black communities experienced more dispersion — students going to different high schools — and more charter school enrollment than majority White, Latinx, Asian-American/Pacific-Islander, and mixed-race communities. Read more about this new research finding and its implications.

5 Data Insights on CPS Graduates’ College Success to Watch in 2022

If the most recent available rates of attainment for Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students were to hold constant over the next decade, only 27 out of every 100 current CPS ninth graders would complete a college credential within 10 years (by the time they are about 25 years old).

This number, also called the Post-secondary Attainment Index (PAI), does not have to be true. Read about the five Data Insights we’re watching in 2022 to understand whether the city is making meaningful progress towards creating the systems needed to ensure that the current PAI for CPS does not become reality.

CPS Has Reached Some Record-High Attainment Rates. How Equitably Were Outcomes Distributed Across Communities?

Chicago Public Schools’ (CPS) mission is to provide high-quality education for every student, regardless of their zip code, that prepares them for college success. Yet it’s been difficult to determine the extent to which a CPS student’s zip code might still matter in whether they graduate from high school and college — until now.