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Teachers Don't Need More Work. They Need Help, Grace and Understanding.

The To&Through Middle Grades Network (MGN) conducted empathy interviews with educators at MGN schools to capture their pandemic reflection. We stuck to open-ended questions about their experiences—mostly, we just held space for our teachers, counselors, and school leaders to talk, cry, and laugh. What we heard leaves us both concerned about the profound levels of exhaustion educators have experienced and moved by their deep commitment to students, families, and each other. 

OPINION: Students who began as English Learners at CPS have relatively strong attainment rates — and it means we should up our investments.

Our recent findings on the attainment of students who began as English Learners at CPS shows that they are graduating from high school and enrolling in college at a rate on par with the district average. One co-author reflects on the finding as a cause for celebration — and a cause for maintaining the momentum around improving services and supports for English Learners in CPS.