Effective school-based teams are the anchors of implementing successful postsecondary work. In this Component, you will find tools to develop focused teams and support accountable adult collaboration among team members.
Building School Teams
Tool Sets: Building School Teams

Organizing a Counseling Department
Tool Set A provides Counselors and other educators with resources to establish effective school Counseling Departments. Counseling Departments are responsible for a variety of school-wide projects and events within the three counseling domains: academic, social-emotional learning, and postsecondary.

Creating Postsecondary Leadership Teams (PLTs)
Postsecondary Leadership Teams (PLTs) work at the intersection of academic achievement and postsecondary access to create equitable outcomes for students. High schools can use Tool Set B to develop PLTs that will promote school-wide college-going cultures.

Monitoring Team Progress
All teams should create a plan to monitor effectiveness and progress. Tool Set C provides educators with resources to measure team progress as well as suggested protocols and assessments to monitor existing college access initiatives.

Planning Tools for Student Supports
Counselors and other educators should create multiple opportunities for students to become active participants in their college journeys.