To&Through Home
The Middle Grades Network (MGN)
A group of schools dedicated to creating more equitable and supportive educational environments where middle grades students can thrive.

Online Tool
The To&Through Project provides data on the milestones that research shows matter most for students’ high school and college success in one online hub for education stakeholders.

The To&Through Project works closely with The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research to conduct research and publish reports.
The Middle Grades Network (MGN)
The To&Through Middle Grades Network is a group of schools dedicated to creating more equitable and supportive educational environments where middle grades students can thrive. The network seeks to build the capacity of practitioners to understand the developmental, social-emotional, and non-academic factors critical for student success and to make changes in practice that improve middle grades indicators for success in high school and beyond.
Practitioners from selected schools participate in customized professional learning and receive dedicated in-school coaching as they engage in a student-centered improvement process grounded in data, research, and the expertise of participating schools. This process involves articulating a problem of practice connected to the experiences of middle grades students; designing, implementing, and iterating a strategy to address this problem; and codifying and demonstrating promising tools and practices relevant to middle grades outcomes district-wide. Schools will learn and apply research from the UChicago Consortium on School Research and others on adolescent development, continuous improvement, social-emotional learning, early warning indicators, equity learning environments, and effective middle grades practices from around the country.
Online Tool
The To&Through Project provides data on the milestones that research shows matter most for students’ high school and college success in one online hub for education stakeholders. The To&Through Online Tool links Chicago public high schools to post-secondary outcomes, providing the full picture of students’ educational progress, from the middle grades through college graduation. District and school leaders, school partners, families, and policymakers can interrogate district and school level data. The Online Tool can be used to examine patterns of educational attainment among different student subgroups, see how many students from individual high schools have reached a particular milestone along the path to and through college, and see which colleges and universities Chicago Public Schools students are choosing, as well as the institutional graduation rates of those schools.
The To&Through Project works closely with The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research to conduct research and publish reports on what matters most for students’ high school and college success. These reports have included work on the educational attainment of Chicago Public School students, the transition from 8th to 9th grade, sophomore year, and patterns of college enrollment. The To&Through Project uses these reports as the basis for data on the To&Through Online Tool.

The Second Window Documentary Film
The Second Window: How a Focus on Freshmen Transformed a System spotlights the research that inspired Chicago Public Schools’ bet on students’ ninth grade year.

Data Collaboratives
The To&Through Data Collaborative is a monthly gathering for the presentation and discussion of new work in education data in Chicago.

Student Perspectives
The To&Through Project shares CPS students and graduates' stories to elevate them as experts of their own lived experiences.
The Second Window Documentary Film
The early childhood years have long been recognized as a time of rapid brain development and the critical window for establishing positive life trajectories. However, mounting evidence from neuroscience, developmental psychology, and the education field points to a second window — the widely disdained and infamously “awkward” adolescent years. The Second Window spotlights the research that inspired Chicago Public Schools’ bet on students’ ninth grade year — once considered a “throwaway year”—and catalyzed sustained, system-wide improvement. It illuminates Chicago’s journey from “worst district in the nation” to a district leading the country in its work to keep freshmen on-track toward high school graduation and postsecondary success, and how changing adults’ mindsets about what is possible in mid-adolescence can change policy, practice, and lives. Watch the film and access accompanying resources.
Data Collaboratives
The To&Through Data Collaborative is a monthly gathering for the presentation and discussion of new work in education data in Chicago. The group meets once a month at the University of Chicago to hear from local leaders in the Chicago education space, learn about new bodies of work focused on the application of data in support of youth development, and provide feedback on problems of practice facing local organizations. Presenters have included leaders from the To&Through Project, UChicago Urban Labs, Chicago Public Schools, Noble Charter Schools, One Goal, and National Louis University. For more information on past and future Data Collaborative sessions, visit our events page.
Student Perspectives
The To&Through Project's written student story series amplify the voices of CPS graduates navigating postsecondary journeys that often look more like mazes than straight paths. Their stories provide insights into what makes persistence possible and their pushes for the field. The To&Through Experts by Experience podcast is a series of discussions with college students from Chicago who navigating the pandemic-induced rupture in their educational journeys. In each episode, our experts — Black and Latinx college students — reflected on their personal successes and challenges.

Partnership with the School District of Philadelphia
The School District of Philadelphia has focused on improving 9th Grade OnTrack rates to increase high school graduation rates.

Data Insights
The To&Through Project data insights illustrate research on the forces and factors that drive high school and college success.

Myths & Facts
UChicago Consortium and To&Through Project research has helped solidify facts and dispel myths about what it takes to make it to and through college.
Partnership with the School District of Philadelphia
The School District of Philadelphia has focused on improving 9th Grade OnTrack rates at the system and school-level in an effort to increase its high school graduation rates. In partnership with the Neubauer Family Foundation, Revolution Impact, LLC and Philadelphia Academies, the To&Through Project is working closely with the School District of Philadelphia in adapting Chicago’s approach to improving students’ high school attainment with actionable research, access to high-quality, research-based data, and targeted professional development. This work includes the development of a 9th Grade On Track indicator and several data tools for principals and teachers across the district, with targeted support for eight high schools in the 9th Grade Success Network.
Data Insights
The To&Through Project data insights illustrate how Chicago is faring on its quest to propel more students to and through high school and college. The data reveal that Chicago has seen major progress on the milestones that matter most for college success without sacrificing achievement—as systemwide high school and college graduation rates have gone up, so have GPAs and ACT scores for all student subgroups and school types. Learn more about Chicago’s upward trajectory and the forces and factors that drive college success below. View the data insights.
Myths & Facts
The path to and through high school and college is riddled with misguided notions and outdated assumptions about what students should know, do, and focus on in order to maximize their chances for success. Fortunately, more than a decade’s worth of research and data from the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research — as well as new research produced in partnership with the To&Through Project — has helped solidify the facts and dispel myths about what it takes to make it to and through college. View the Myths & Facts.
The Middle Grades Network (MGN)
A group of schools dedicated to creating more equitable and supportive educational environments where middle grades students can thrive.

Online Tool
The To&Through Project provides data on the milestones that research shows matter most for students’ high school and college success in one online hub for education stakeholders.

The To&Through Project works closely with The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research to conduct research and publish reports.

The Second Window Documentary Film
The Second Window: How a Focus on Freshmen Transformed a System spotlights the research that inspired Chicago Public Schools’ bet on students’ ninth grade year.

Data Collaboratives
The To&Through Data Collaborative is a monthly gathering for the presentation and discussion of new work in education data in Chicago.

Student Perspectives
The To&Through Project shares CPS students and graduates' stories to elevate them as experts of their own lived experiences.

Partnership with the School District of Philadelphia
The School District of Philadelphia has focused on improving 9th Grade OnTrack rates to increase high school graduation rates.

Data Insights
The To&Through Project data insights illustrate research on the forces and factors that drive high school and college success.

Myths & Facts
UChicago Consortium and To&Through Project research has helped solidify facts and dispel myths about what it takes to make it to and through college.