Enrollment at City Colleges of Chicago

3,015 CPS graduates immediately enrolled in City Colleges of Chicago in the fall of 2023.

Persistence at City Colleges of Chicago

58% of CPS 2022 high school graduates who enrolled in City Colleges of Chicago in fall of 2022 were enrolled in the fall of 2023.

Completion at City Colleges of Chicago

32% of CPS 2017 high school graduates who immediately enrolled in City Colleges of Chicago completed a degree or credential by spring of 2023.

Transfers In at City Colleges of Chicago

1,225 CPS graduates transferred in to City Colleges of Chicago in 2023.

Transfers Out at City Colleges of Chicago

1,000 CPS graduates transferred out of City Colleges of Chicago in 2023.

  • CCC College Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    CCC Students Who Immediately Enrolled In College In 2022
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    CCC Students Who Immediately Enrolled In College In 2017
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • CCC Students Who Persisted In College In 2023
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • 2023 CCC College Graduates
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • CPS graduates who transferred in to City Colleges of Chicago in 2023
  • CPS graduates who transferred out of City Colleges of Chicago in 2023