6th Grade Enrollment from CPS

49,482 6th Graders enrolled in CPS in SY22 & SY23.

6th–8th Grade Condensed EOT from CPS

46% of CPS’s SY22 & SY23 6th–8th graders had at least a 3.0 GPA and at least 90% attendance.

80% of SY22 & SY23 8th grade students from CPS were enrolled in CPS for all of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.

9th Grade Enrollment from CPS

46,536 of SY21 & SY22 Middle Grades graduates from CPS enrolled in a CPS high school in fall of 2021 & 2022.

Freshman OnTrack from CPS

90% of SY22 & SY23 first-time 9th graders from CPS were on-track to graduate from high school in 4 years.

High School Graduation from CPS

86% of SY19 & SY20 first-time 9th graders from CPS graduated high school by spring of 2022 & 2023.

College Enrollment from CPS

57% of SY18 & SY19 8th grade graduates from CPS who did not transfer out of CPS within 4 years of their 8th grade graduation enrolled in college in the fall of 2022 & 2023.

  • SY22 & SY23 Chicago Public Schools 6th Grade Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    SY22 & SY23 CPS 6th–8th Graders
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • SY22 & SY23 Chicago Public Schools 6th–8th Grade Performance
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    SY21 & SY22 CPS Middle Grades Graduates
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • SY22 & SY23 Chicago Public Schools 9th Grade Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    SY22 & SY23 CPS Ninth-grade Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    SY19 & SY20 CPS Ninth-grade Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
    SY19 & SY20 CPS Ninth-grade Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • SY22 & SY23 CPS Freshman OnTrack
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • SY22 & SY23 CPS High School Graduates
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)
  • Fall 2022 & Fall 2023 CPS College Enrollees
    Grid of dots representing percentage breakdowns (numeric data in legend)

The Condensed Elementary OnTrack (EOT) metric helps educators understand what supports students need. Students who are in the On-Track category (above a 3.0 GPA and above 90% attendance) in middle school are the most likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college. Students who are in the Academic Support, Attendance Support, or Intensive Support categories need targeted interventions and support to ensure they are prepared for success. For more information on the Condensed EOT categories and the research behind them, see this report.

Attendance 90% – 100% < 90% GPA < 3.0 3.0 – 4.0 Academic Support On-Track Intensive Support Attendance Support

Students in CPS are all assigned to a neighborhood high school based on their residential address, but many students choose to attend a school other than their assigned high school. CPS offers a wide variety of high school types which emphasize different educational programs. Not all high school types are available in all community areas of Chicago, so depending on where students live, they may be able to more readily access specific types of high schools. Some high schools require that students obtain certain grades or test scores in middle school in order to be considered for admission.

Students who are on-track at the end of ninth grade are nearly three times more likely to graduate from high school than students who are off-track. A student is on-track if they fail no more than one semester of a core course and obtain at least 5 credits by the end of their ninth-grade year. Additionally, students who obtain a 3.0 GPA or above in high school are more likely to graduate from a four-year college within six years.

Graduating high school with a high level of academic achievement is among the most important markers along the road to college success. Students who graduate from high school with a GPA of 3.0 or above have at least a 50 percent probability of graduating from a four-year college within six years. In order to graduate from high school on time, students must obtain a minimum of 24 credits.

Students’ choice of college influences their likelihood of earning a college degree. Students who choose a college with a strong track record of graduating its students, and which fits their unique financial, geographic, and cultural needs, are more likely to earn a college degree or credential. College may not be the best path for every student, but due to data limitations, we are not currently able to track outcomes for non-college pathways (for example, military service, trade school, workforce).

6th Grade Demographics

Historical data trends as a stacked graph SY15 & SY16 6th GradeEnrollees SY16 & SY17 6th GradeEnrollees SY17 & SY18 6th GradeEnrollees SY18 & SY19 6th GradeEnrollees SY19 & SY20 6th GradeEnrollees SY20 & SY21 6th GradeEnrollees SY21 & SY22 6th GradeEnrollees SY22 & SY23 6th GradeEnrollees 47% 39% 9% 4% 1% 0% 0% 47% 38% 10% 4% 1% 0% 0% 48% 37% 10% 4% 1% 0% 0% 47% 37% 10% 4% 1% 0% 0% 47% 37% 10% 4% 1% 0% 0% 47% 36% 11% 4% 1% 0% 0% 46% 37% 11% 4% 1% 0% 0% 46% 36% 11% 4% 1% 0% 1%
  • Latino 6th Graders
  • Black 6th Graders
  • White 6th Graders
  • Asian/Pacific Islander 6th Graders
  • Multiracial 6th Graders
  • Native American/Alaskan Native 6th Graders
  • Race/ethnicity not available
Historical data trends as a stacked graph SY15 & SY16 6th GradeEnrollees SY16 & SY17 6th GradeEnrollees SY17 & SY18 6th GradeEnrollees SY18 & SY19 6th GradeEnrollees SY19 & SY20 6th GradeEnrollees SY20 & SY21 6th GradeEnrollees SY21 & SY22 6th GradeEnrollees SY22 & SY23 6th GradeEnrollees 86% 9% 6% 84% 10% 6% 82% 11% 6% 82% 14% 5% 75% 17% 7% 71% 21% 8% 73% 21% 6% 73% 21% 6%
  • Never English Learners
  • Active English Learners
  • Former English Learners
Historical data trends as a stacked graph SY15 & SY16 6th GradeEnrollees SY16 & SY17 6th GradeEnrollees SY17 & SY18 6th GradeEnrollees SY18 & SY19 6th GradeEnrollees SY19 & SY20 6th GradeEnrollees SY20 & SY21 6th GradeEnrollees SY21 & SY22 6th GradeEnrollees SY22 & SY23 6th GradeEnrollees 85% 9% 5% 85% 10% 6% 84% 10% 6% 84% 9% 6% 85% 9% 6% 85% 9% 7% 84% 9% 7% 84% 9% 7%
  • No IEP
  • IEP for learning disability
  • IEP for any other disability
The ACCESS test changed in the 2015–16 school year, which affected the number of students identified as active English Learners. See more information.