2022 Elementary School Milestones for Chicago Public Schools

district: Chicago Public Schools

  • 6th Grade Enrollment

    N/A 6th Graders enrolled in CPS in SY21 & SY22. See the Data
  • 6th–8th Grade Condensed EOT

    N/A of CPS’s SY21 & SY22 6th-8th graders had at least a 3.0 GPA and at least 90% attendance. See the Data
  • 9th Grade Enrollment

    N/A of SY20 & SY21 Middle Grades graduates from CPS enrolled in a CPS high school in fall of 2020 & 2021. See the Data
  • Freshman OnTrack

    N/A of SY18 & SY19 first-time 9th graders from CPS were on-track to graduate from high school in 4 years. See the Data
  • High School Graduation

    N/A of SY18 & SY19 first-time 9th graders from CPS graduated high school by spring of 2021 & 2022. See the Data
  • College Enrollment

    N/A of SY17 & SY18 8th grade graduates from CPS who did not transfer out of CPS within 4 years of their 8th grade graduation enrolled in college in the fall of 2021 & 2022. See the Data
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Showing 2 years combined
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