Milestones Tool

Explore milestones by:

Select a lens to explore Chicago Public Schools students’ outcomes on key education milestones at the district, school, and community level.

Use this lens to view the data organized by high school.

Answer questions such as:

  • How has the Freshman OnTrack rate changed over time for students at Tilden?
  • How does the college enrollment rate for students at Senn compare to students at other high schools, or to CPS as a whole?

Use this lens to view the data organized by community area.

Answer questions such as:

  • Into what types of high school are students from Logan Square enrolling?
  • How does the college enrollment rate for students from Roseland compare to students from other community areas, or to CPS as a whole?

Use this lens to view the data organized by elementary school.

Answer questions such as:

  • How have GPAs and attendance rates for different groups of students at Hernandez changed across time?
  • Into what types of high schools do students at Drake enroll, and how many are on-track as 9th graders?
  • How many students from Nightingale graduate from high school and enroll in college?

Post-secondary Attainment Index (PAI) Report

Explore the Post-secondary Attainment Index (PAI) for Chicago Public Schools students.

Explore the Report
This interactive webpage shows educational outcomes for CPS students at the district level, including the Post-secondary Attainment Index and the milestones that contribute to the Index.

College Pathways Tool

Explore College Pathways by enrollment status and degree outcomes.

Explore the Data

Use this tool to investigate the college pathways taken by CPS students after they graduate from high school. Answer questions such as:

  • How many students transfer from a 2-year to a 4-year college?
  • Of all students who earned degrees, how many took a leave of absence at some point?

Post-secondary Attainment Index Calculator

Explore the Calculator

Enter your school, district, or non-profit’s milestone rates to calculate a Post-secondary Attainment Index.

The Post-secondary Attainment Index provides an estimate of the proportion of current ninth-graders who will complete a college credential within 10 years, if current rates don't change.

The To&Through Project’s data tools provide the public with access to Chicago Public Schools (CPS) data on students’ rates of attainment of key milestones — such as the CPS high school graduation rate and college enrollment rate — and enable users to examine rates at the school and community levels. For each milestone, users can drill down into CPS statistics by race/ethnicity and gender, and for some milestones, users can even disaggregate data by students’ qualifications, such as college access level. To&Through’s data tools also include the College Pathways Tool, which displays interactive visualizations of CPS students’ post-secondary journeys, and the Post-secondary Attainment Index (PAI) Calculator, which enables users to project the proportion of their current ninth-graders likely to complete a college credential within 10 years.